Tag Archives: #LINKEDIN

What if ?

13 Jul


We can change Health Care forever !

A wish worth sharing! Drug resistant TB and Photographer James Nachtwey

13 Jul

The fight against a devastating disease who’s numbers are on the rise.  A post worth forwarding. This disease is closer than you might think  Raise awarness!



Brian Goldman: Doctors make mistakes. Can we talk about that?

12 Jul


How much do medical mistakes cost? 19.5 Billion per year study-puts-cost-of-medical-errors-at-195-billion This linkw will lead you to an interesting article on the costs of medical errors.

How can we fix a problem that is systemic.?

I have worked with many practices that have put no thought into prevention of errors and find that talking to physicians and medical staff about mistakes is like talking about abortion or politics. NO ONE WANTS TALK ABOUT IT! As if somehow the mere mention of errors would somehow make them happen.

I have seen investigations into medical errors and they are not singular in nature meaning that multiple parties are involved in most mistakes and a recurring theme always comes up: Not listening to patients and caregivers.

How can we change the mindset that the patient does not know what they are talking about when it comes to their own health?

How do we heal Healthcare and should we have thought of prevention?

12 Jul

We seem to be able to point out the faults of medicine, but how can we help our providers and patients better prevent and treat disease states.


It is more than treating symptoms

12 Jul

The reality of aging

Is regenerative medicine a real answer?

Day 7 Care Plan Oversight

2 Jul

I have been paying attention to the recent discussions on The Affordable Care Act and the medias coverage of the supreme court ruling. One thing strikes me as odd in all these talks, whose actually talking about the impact on patient care?

Just look over there while I do it.

I wonder if somewhere someone sits twisting their mustache, while laughing maniacally. Every moment spent talking about the act and not talking about patient care is a wasted moment.

I want to hear and read lively conversation on how to improve patient care.  Thats what this is all about, right ? How can I get better when I’m sick?   While Homer Simpson was studying not hitting his thumb he accidentally bashed himself in the eye instead.

Who is talking about primary care?

Who is talking about Care Plans much less Care Plan Oversight/CPO?

In my mind the only way to effectively control cost is to effectively treat patients.  Care plan Oversight/ CPO is the key.

care plan,

n strategies designed to guide health care professionals involved with patient care. Such plans are patient specific and are meant to address the total status of the patient. Care plans are intended to ensure optimal outcomes for patients during the course of their care.
I found this definition in a medical dictionary and thought I would share. When we talk about Care Plans we have to talk about managing Care Plans which is called Care Plan Oversight.
A good way to understand CPO is to think along these lines. Your Doctor orders blood work and then lets you know of the results and gives you options on how to treat any condition indicated,, that is care plan oversight/CPO. Now lets say you have an indication of Cardio Vascular issues, your Primary care Doctor refers you to a Cardiologist and then they work you up and the same scenario as before plays out, except this time your Primary care Doctor and the specialist should work up a Plan of Care together. Because ultimately there needs to be somewhere there to direct things medically and advise you on your options and it should be your Family doctor. Don’t get me wrong they do not tell the specialist what to do they help you implement what the specialist is indicating and fit that treatment into an existing Care plan.
Would you do a core part of your job if no one paid you for it?
Well guess what no one pays for it and the few like Medicare that do, Doctors are either afraid to bill for it or know if they bill for it they will have to be accountable.  When the accountability for Care Plan Oversight could be the easiest part of CPO. We could say billions if we could foster Care Plan Oversight and heres the good news !
We have the Technology and Design we just have to have an #IDEAWORTHSHARING
#helpmegettoTed so many medical applications for design and technology that already exist.

Sit tight1

1 Jul

Sit tight1

Sit tight

We’re taking a moment to clean things up. It’s that we are calling it ?  LOLOLOLOL